As you step into the coming new era, become Ironclad. The putting on of the armor of God is not negated but with being Ironclad you are of a new “season”ed regiment. Likened to a naval ship that has been ironclad to become seaworthy at all times; having a readiness with a new zeal for the time of war that is before you. Having been cladded (covered or encased), you are of a new breed of warrior. Swift and sea, land, and air worthy for My purposes that must be done on the earth. Garbed with a unique and strong barrier of defense to prevent death of the body, wounding to the soul, and weakening of your spirit man; standing strong in the midst of the battle. Yes new eyes to see and new ears to hear as you go forth, fortified afresh and anew.
Can I do a new thing in a new era? Are there limits to My ways? Can you become a sharp threshing instrument to thresh the mountains as chaff? Hear what I say, do as I say, and become that which the earth is groaning to see manifest on the earth.
“Behold, I will make thee a new sharp threshing instrument having teeth: thou shalt thresh the mountains, and beat them small, and shalt make the hills as chaff.”
Isaiah 41:15
Ironclad – Sheathed in iron armor —used especially of naval vessels, so firm or secure as to be unbreakable.