"Let this mind be in you, which is also in Christ Jesus."

I Go to Prepare a Place

I have prepared a mansion for you that where I am you will be also, you children of mine. My Word speaks of this place that I have prepared. A place of no more sorrow or fear. No more confusion or hate. No more lack or unrest. You cannot know for it is unlike this world. It is peace, joy, and love without measure. Because I am there, all that I am will emanate forth. You will know me because you will know my presence in all its glory. Eye cannot see or tongue speak of what I have prepared.

Be sure now of your place in My Kingdom. Be sure now of your belief in my death, burial and resurrection; the resurrection to the right hand of the Father to intercede on your behalf without ceasing. As you enter this season to remember my death and ascension, you will be reminded once again of my passion for the lost. My passion to enter your world for the purpose only to become the sacrifice for sin; the sin of the world. It was laid upon me who knew no sin. Enter into this time of remembrance.

Remember the lost.

“Let not your heart be troubled: you believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there you may be also.”
John 14: 1-3

“Father, I will that they also, whom you have given me, be with me where I am; that they may behold my glory, which you have given me: for you loved me before the foundation of the world.”
John 17: 24