"Let this mind be in you, which is also in Christ Jesus."

Move of God across Congregations

The coming move of my Spirit will be unlike any that has been or will be. The harvest is plenteous but the laborers are few. This will awaken my children. It will create a hunger in those who have been apathetic. As the prophets spoke so shall it be. My Word has been declared. What will bring in this great harvest? I will fill my people to empower them for my service. I will give signs and wondrous miracles. Do not be afraid of this move. You will not have to convince the lost. They will know by the miracles that will be done.

It will not be orchestrated or planned. It will not be prayed in or scheduled. When my Spirit and Glory are shown forth, it will be as I lead. I will choose the time and the place. I will bring it to pass. Draw near to me to be used during this time of fulfillment. Walk in purity and love. Do not close the doors to this great move.

Watch my miracle hand move across congregations.

“Now therefore stand and see this great thing, which the Lord will do before your eyes.”
I Samuel 12:16