"Let this mind be in you, which is also in Christ Jesus."

Pray for a Stay

Know, Oh Nation of My Bosom, that the leaking oil will precipitate an explosion of destruction. Take this opportunity to pray for a stay. A stay to allow the season of My Harvest to come to pass for it is My Will for all to come to the knowledge of My death, burial, and resurrection. To be resurrected into the Kingdom of God which is at hand.

The destruction of the revelator will come to pass. You have a choice, dear ones, to be My chosen people and walk in the newness of life through belief in My shed blood. Now is the time of salvation in Me. Now can be a glorious movement of the Holy Spirit in power and glory. Fast and pray and seek My deliverance and My Hand of mercy. Repent for My Kingdom is at hand.

You say you have done nothing wrong. You say you have remembered My promises but have you been doers of My Word. You have sat on your throne and called for your plans to come about. This is the season when it is not about you and your plans. I have a path for you and I have a hope and a future for you. My pathway will bring about a change in you in which you have never walked for it will be a new thing in this new season I am precipitating.

See with new eyes and hear with new ears what I want to come to pass. Seek My Face in the secret place and you will receive this revelation of what I want to accomplish in and through you. I wait to hear your words of repentance and your acts of turning from the evil ways of this day. Let this next move be one of cleansing and purging to then call forth My Glory to return to your land. It is at the door and the vats full and ready to pour out My Glory.

Seek me early and say, “Reveal, O God of My Youth, the error of my ways and the corruptness of my heart for it goes deep and only you can shine the light on all I must repent and turn from. Only you, O God, can cleanse and make me whole. Only you can deliver my soul and place me on your divine pathway. Yes, the path of seeking your will for this time and times.”

You will need the closeness and intimacy with your God in these days ahead. You will sense these times coming upon you and will draw nearer still. Come close to My Bosom for I long for fellowship and My Will is to protect you under My Shadow. Come and receive My shed Blood at the cross as your sacrifice for sin. Set yourself upon this Rock and move now in My guided pathway. I, Jesus Christ, have come to give life and life abundant. These words will ring true. It is not if but when sudden destruction will come. Look now at the signs that I have placed before your eyes for they are a warning and to stir your heart toward Me.

Come all who are heavy laden and I, Jesus Christ, will give you rest. Though your sins be as scarlet I will make them white as snow. Know the heart of the Father to draw you and save you and be an everlasting Father to you.

“And I heard a great voice out of the temple saying to the seven angels, Go your ways, and pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth. And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air; and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done. And there were voices, and thunders, and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great. And the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell: and great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath.”
Revelations 16: 1; 17-19

Upon receiving the above word I sensed that it was not on the immediate horizon but will be apart of the end time destruction depicted by the revelator.  Such a catastrophic phenomenon has been predicted by the scientific world as shown by a History channel program a few years back showing a similar breach in the floor of the ocean coupled with the buildup of pressure. This is a reminder that our prayers are to be ever going up to the throne room for the end time harvest of the lost as well as readying ourselves to have an active role. May we pray that our hands will be equipped and our hearts full of compassion for this mass of souls the Lord will bring into the Kingdom. May we realize according to I Peter 2:9-10 that we are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people to show forth the praises of him who has called us out of darkness into His marvelous light. And that we were once lost but NOW are the children of God and that we have obtained the MERCY of God.  Pray for mercy, saints, for our nations and that they will come to the knowledge of our Savior, Jesus Christ.